Announcing Torch Publish with Web AR powered by 8th Wall.
Imagine creating an augmented reality experience with the potential to reach every single person on the planet who has an AR-capable smartphone.
Imagine AR that doesn’t require an app download.
Imagine building and sharing AR apps on your iPhone or iPad, without needing to write a single line of code. And imagine you can do all of this in just a few minutes. Like, three minutes. Or two. Or fifteen, if you are a perfectionist.
Because that’s exactly what we just made possible with the public launch of Torch Publish.
Try Torch Publish

Torch + Web AR, turnkey and ready to share
Create AR product previews for your website and marketing emails that drive better conversion rates, longer engagement times, and increase brand affinity.
Build new-hire training and support walk-throughs that lead to immediate ROI.
Or simply show off your AR design chops by building a portfolio you can host on your personal website.
Web AR with Torch is app-less, marker-less, code-less—completely turnkey and ready to share. All you need is a Publish subscription, a little inspiration, and a few minutes and you’ll be able to share the Web AR version of your project powered by our amazing partners at 8th Wall.
This is kind of a big deal; as in “this totally changes the way you will think about 3D” big.
What does Torch Publish include?
Your subscription to Torch Publish includes everything you need to start sharing experiences to web AR, embedding them in iOS apps, or exporting them to Spark AR Studio.
No separate 8th Wall account needed for Web AR
Access to 8th Wall's API is included in your Torch Publish subscription. No separate 8th Wall account is necessary. We provide one solution, one account to manage, and one monthly bill.
Torch Pro features included in Publish subscription
Torch Publish includes all of the important collaborative design features of Torch Pro — unlimited viewer links, real-time cooperation on projects, and support for commercial use cases — that make it easy for you to iterate on projects as a team and communicate with your clients.
If Torch Pro is all about collaborating on projects in the design phase, Torch Publish is what you need to go into production.Publish offers three ways to distribute your Torch experience, all accessible through your Torch Dashboard:
- Publish projects to Web AR - no separate 8th Wall account needed.
- Embed projects in an iOS app via TorchKit, our iOS SDK.
- Export projects via Spark AR Studio to Facebook and Instagram.
Which leaves only one question….
How much does it cost?
Torch is already the fastest and least expensive way to create AR experiences at 1/20th the cost of other tools, but now it is also the least expensive way to reach users with AR apps.
Individual Publish subscriptions are $99/month—including 2,000 web views. Learn more about Publish features and requirements.
Usage is metered and billed at the end of the month so you only pay for what you use.
Enterprise team pricing is available, as are discounts for EDU users.
The Torchkit SDK pricing varies by use case so contact us if you need a quote.
Skeptical? See for yourself
The quickest way to learn if this Web AR thing is as big as we think it is, is for you to try it yourself.
So, get started. Sign in to your dashboard using your Torch app email and password (the same ones you use with the Torch app), select the upgrade button on the lower left.
Then to activate your Torch project for Web AR, all you need to do is:
- Go to the Projects page. Click on the share button next to your project in the list.
- Click Project Sharing to view link sharing options.
- Toggle the switch to publish your app and generate a Web AR link.

And you’re done. Fast and simple with powerful results. Now, all that remains is to share the link anywhere and everywhere.
The possibilities are endless. Just imagine.