Developer Resources

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Developer FAQs


What is Torch Publish?


What does Torch cost?


Where should a developer start?


What platforms do you support?


How do I export a project? Do I need a log-in?



What can Torch AR do?


Where should I start with Torch AR?


Which devices can I use with Torch AR?


Does Torch run on Android?


How much does Torch cost?


Can I create or rig 3D models in Torch?


Is there a desktop editor?


Where can I get 3D models to use?


Does Torch make camera effects like Filters or Lenses?


Does Torch make selfie camera experiences like Face Filters or Lenses?


How do I share my project with other designers and editors?


Can I export or publish my Torch experience to other formats?

Get in Touch

Ready to publish business AR? Schedule short consultation to learn about the features, export targets, and services that are right for you.

Knowledge Base

Check out our Knowledge Base for more Torch how-tos and tutorials.